

Applying for a divorce:   – step-by-step guide to the process  – how to apply and fee

Also see Court Forms – Form D8

Divorce Aid – Run by an independent group of professionals it provides advice, support and information on all aspects of divorce. It has specialised sections for both young children and teenagers, enabling them to recognise and deal with emotions that arise from separation and divorce.

Relate – offers a range of services to help families and couples going through separation and divorce.

Divorce without a lawyer 


Divorce and finances 

Money Advice Service or call 0300 500 5000

Financial Needs: Family Justice Council 

Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 Section 25  –  Section 25 of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, sets out the criteria used by a court to evaluate financial matters on divorce. 


Also see Court Forms – Form A

Child Maintenance

Child Arrangements

Child arrangements – Advice Now guide

Child Contact Centres and Services 

Money-saving Expert – child care costs

Also see Court Forms – C100


For Parents

Book: ‘Parenting Apart’ by Christina McGhee, Vermilion London 2011

Book: ‘How to talk so kids will listen & listen so kids will talk’ by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish, Piccadilly Press 2013

Books: for children that help explain divorce – 

Divorce and Coparenting

Getting it right for children 

Separated Parents Information Programme. CAFCAS link to finding an SPIP in your area 

The Centre for Separated Families 

Kids Come First: Separated Parent Support and Training Workshops –  email 

The Parent Guide For Couples And Parents Who Separate Or Divorce

Family Lives – Parent line offers help and advice to parents on bringing up children and teenagers, Tel: 0808 800 2222.

Gingerbread – Support for single parent families call 0808 802 0925 

Co-Parenting Apps

A co-parenting app is software that has been specifically designed for separated parents to communicate about child arrangements; organise parenting responsibilities on a computer or phone through a calendar that everyone involved has access to, can edit and add information to – including the children, if you feel this is appropriate.

Domestic Abuse Victims - Women

Women’s Aid: female victims  or call 0808 2000 24724


Domestic Abuse Victims - Men

Domestic Abuse Perpetrators

Court Forms

Form D8 apply for a divorce or to dissolve a civil partnership

Form D8 – GOV.UK (

C100 child arrangements court application

A C100 Form is the form you need to complete to ask for a family court to make a judgement under Section 8 of the Children Act 1989.  In other words, you are asking a court to make a decision on the parenting arrangements for your child(ren).

Apply for a court order to make arrangements for a child or resolve a dispute about their upbringing: Form C100 – GOV.UK (

Form A financial remedy court application

Form A – GOV.UK (

Form A1: notice of intention to proceed with an application for a financial remedy (other than a financial order) in the County Court or High Court – GOV.UK (

How to apply for a Form A without a lawyer

How to apply for a financial order without a lawyer | Advicenow

Form E – Financial Statement for a financial remedy court application form

Form E: Financial statement for a financial order (Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 / Civil Partnership Act 2004) / for financial relief after an overseas divorce etc – GOV.UK (

Form e: how to fill it out 

Family Mediators Association Financial Disclosure Booklet – a simpler version of Form E used by Stratford Family Mediation

FMA-Master-Financial-Disclosure-Booklet_0-4.doc – Family Mediators Association FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE BOOKLET Your Name: FILLING IN THE BOOKLET – GENERAL | Course Hero

Other Useful Information